This is a band that Kevin and Jack are also in that features the lovely voice of Rebecca Marculescu with beautiful arrangements by Junji Shirota.
Jody's Heaven
Formed as a band that Junji Shirota wanted to take on tour to Japan, "Jody's Heaven" featured the master fiddle playing of Dale Russ, and the concertina & flute playing of Jack Gilder. Included on this site are sound samples from two recordings the group has produced, as well as biographical information about Junji, Dale, and Jack.
Lief Sorbye
He played with "Golden Bough" and is now the founder of the Bay Area's leading celtic rock band, "Tempest." But at one time he and Jack Gilder thought it might be a good idea to get together with Scott Renfort and form a Irish trad group known as... "Tipsy House."
Danny Carnahan
Our friend Danny has a lot going on. Besides being a writer, artist, blogmaster, and founder of the popular celtic - Grateful Dead fusion group: "Wake the Dead"... he has the dubious distinction of having played with Tipsy House.
Elisa Welch
She describes herself as a,"countercultural ethnomusician who specializes in Left Coast Neo-Celtic Folk"... but we like to think of her as one of our Tipsy House alumni.
Steve Baughman
Before he gave up strumming and started picking on the guitar, (finger picking that is), Steve had his hand at backing up the Tipsy Boys.
John Hicks
As part of his personal world tour in the mid 90s, John Hicks passed through San Francisco. He came just as Lief Sorbye was rock & rolling out of Tipsy House and became the band's guitar player for about 6 months or so. He went back to Ireland and later showed up in a great band called, "Lia Luachra."
Paul Chaffee
When Scott Renfort left Tipsy House, Paul Chaffee stepped in for a while during the band's transition between back-up players, Leif Sorbye, John Hicks, Danny Carnahan, Steve Baughman, Don Clark, Elisa Welch, and Junji Shirota. Visit his web site and find out what he's up to these days.